HPC Technical Updates


» Singularity: HPC container

By Vamshidhar Gangu – NUS IT on 27 Aug, 2018
Most of us, at least those in IT/scientific computing should have heard of Docker, a container platform used for packaging necessary …

» Re-assessing HPC Cloud

By Tan Chee Chiang, Yeo Eng Hee – NUS IT on 27 Aug, 2018
Having seen a breakout year for HPC Cloud in 2017, we are beginning to understand what made it work and how …

» New License Scheme Brings in More Licenses to Materials Studio Modules

By Zhang Xinhuai, NUS IT on 24 Aug, 2018
Materials Studio is a materials modeling and simulation software package for predicting material’s atomic and molecular structure with its properties and …

» Data Transfer Benchmark in High-Speed 100G Network

By Wang Junhong, NUS IT on 24 Aug, 2018
Many researchers need to transfer large amount of data from one server to another server for backup/archival purpose or for processing …

» Hadoop 3.1.0 : GPU, Containers and Beyond

By Kumar Sambhav, NUS IT on 24 Aug, 2018
Stages of Hadoop evolution Hadoop since its birth in 2006 has gone through numerous changes in paradigms and architecture. Its use …

» Overview of Using NSCC’s ASPIRE 1 System by NUS Researchers

By Wang Junhong, Research Computing, NUS IT on 25 Apr, 2018
The journey of the second year of service of the National Supercomputing Centre Singapore’s (NSCC) ASPIRE 1 ended inDecember 2017. As …

» HPC Challenge Stream Benchmark Performance on AWS Cloud

By Yeo Eng Hee, Research Computing, NUS IT on 25 Apr, 2018
Amazon Web Services (AWS) had recently introduced a new compute optimized instance type, the C5 instances in their Amazon EC2 catalogue. …

» Apache Spark : What It Achieves That Hadoop didn’t?

By Kumar Sambhav, Research Computing, NUS IT on 25 Apr, 2018
Apache Spark in its definition is a cluster-computing framework. It is open source and has a community support of more than …

» Data Lake – 5 W’s and Benefits

By Gopalakrishnan Saisubramaniam, MTech. Knowledge Engineering, NUS-ISS on 25 Apr, 2018
The 5 W’s to ask before setting up a Data Lake What is a Data Lake? There is a defining factor …

» A One-stop Bioinformatics Platform

By Vamshidhar Gangu, Research Computing, NUS IT on 25 Apr, 2018
A one-stop bioinformatics platform is in development phase, which aims to support a variety of genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metagenomics and other …