HPC Technical Updates


» Effects of Number of CPU Cores on Volta Cluster Deep Learning Jobs Execution Time

By Ku Wee Kiat, Research Computing, NUS IT on 19 May, 2019
Introduction With the introduction of the new V100-32GB Volta Cluster to NUS HPC users in mid-February we have seen an …

» Handy and Free to Use GPU Systems for Machine/Deep Learning

By Wang Junhong, Research Computing, NUS IT on 18 May, 2019
From time to time, you may hear or read words like “Artificial Intelligence (AI)”, “Deep Learning (DL)” and “Machine Learning (ML)” …

» MATLAB In the Cloud

By Vamshidhar Gangu & Yeo Eng Hee, Research Computing, NUS IT on 17 May, 2019
Introduction The popularity of the commercial public clouds such as Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure has been increasing since the …

» Compute Resources in the Cloud

By Yeo Eng Hee, Research Computing, NUS IT on 16 May, 2019
Introduction This year marks a major milestone in the development of high performance computing in NUS IT, with the introduction of …

» High Performance Storage System for AI Applications

By Zhang Xinhuai, Research Computing, NUS IT on 15 May, 2019
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning (DL) are creating the toughest workloads in modern high performance computing (HPC) history. They pose …

» Data Analytics/Machine Learning/Deep Learning Development and Support

By Tan Chee Chiang, Research Computing, NUS IT on 6 Dec, 2018
We will look into how technologies have evolved since “Big Data” was coined in 2005. We will share what we have …

» Stepping into the Cloud Computing with Research Computing’s Ronin Portal

By Yeo Eng Hee & Vamshidhar Gangu, Research Computing, NUS IT on 6 Dec, 2018
The dawn of cloud computing is upon us, as NUS IT’s Research Computing makes a giant step forward into the cloud …

» Deep Learning Best Practices: Checkpointing Your Deep Learning Model Training

By Ku Wee Kiat, Research Computing, NUS IT on 6 Dec, 2018
This article covers one of many best practices in Deep Learning, which is creating checkpoints while training your deep learning model. …

» Deep Learning on Apache Spark: Intel BigDL

By Kumar Sambhav, NUS IT on 6 Dec, 2018
In the present-day data deluge, Data Lakes are the technology of choice for repository services. For processing the Big Data that …

» A Preview of Jupyterhub on HPC

By Ku Wee Kiat – NUS IT on 27 Aug, 2018
What is Jupyter? It is an open source web application that allows users to create and share documents that contain code, …