HPC Technical Updates


» Deploying HPC Cluster in the Cloud

By Yeo Eng Hee, Research Computing, NUS Information Technology, on 20 January 2020

A recent paper in March 2019[i] indicated that the number of HPC sites worldwide that run some workloads in the Cloud has increased in proportion from 13% in 2011 to 74% in 2018.  Cloud service providers recognise this trend. They are making it easier and more attractive for HPC workloads to run in their clouds.

» Combining R and Python using Reticulate

Combining R and Python using Reticulate
By Vamshidhar Gangu, Research Computing, NUS Information Technology, on 20 January 2020

While starting a data science project, one of the important decisions to make is choosing what programming language or libraries to use? And the two programming languages that might immediately come to mind are R and Python. Tough both of them are excellent tools in their own right, they are often conceived as rivals instead of options.

» Running Machine Learning Pipelines using HUE

By Kumar Sambhav, HPC Specialist, NUS Information Technology, on 20 January 2020

Research Computing at NUS IT provides a Hadoop based Data Repository and Analytics service. This system can be used to host your big data in the Data Repository and to analyse the data using Analytics Service. The Analytics Service part of DRAS provides services from real-time analytics to running machine learning using Spark.

» Tensorflow Model Zoo Models on NUS HPC Containers

By Ku Wee Kiat, Research Computing, NUS IT on 21 Oct, 2019

Tensorflow provides pre-built and pre-trained models in the Tensorflow Models repository for the public to use.
The official models are a collection of example models that use TensorFlow’s high-level APIs. They are intended to be well-maintained, tested, and kept up to date with the latest stable TensorFlow API. They should also be reasonably optimised for fast performance while still being easy to read.

» Subscribing to HPC Resources in the Cloud

By Yeo Eng Hee, Research Computing, NUS IT on 21 Oct, 2019

In our previous newsletter, we described how some of our HPC clusters in the shared resource pool are now running with compute nodes from the cloud. This was made possible with the implementation of a virtual private network between NUS and AWS, our cloud solution provider, extending our HPC into the cloud in a seamless manner. Job scheduling is still managed by PBS Pro, and the usual queuing is still necessary to ensure that jobs are scheduled in the cloud compute nodes in a fair manner.

» Singularity DYOI (Do Your Own Image)

By Vamshidhar Gangu, HPC Specialist, Research Computing, NUS IT on 21 Oct, 2019

The major crisis in research is reproducibility. How can one make sure to install the exact same software with its dependencies and ensure it produces the same output?

» HPC Options for Research

By Tan Chee Chiang, Research Computing, NUS IT on 21 Oct, 2019

With the recent partnership confirmation between NUS and AWS, researchers can now have a more extensive range of High Performance Computing (HPC) options to consider for their research computing needs. We will review some of these options.

» Central Data Masking Platform for collaborative research

By Kumar Sambhav, HPC Specialist, Research Computing on 7 Oct, 2019

Data is the fuel for each and every analytics project. Successful analytics projects depend not only on the quality of the data they process but also on the fact that the data should be coming from varied sources for a good sample space coverage.

» Next Generation AI centric HPC

By Tan Chee Chiang, Research Computing, NUS IT on 22 May, 2019
During the recent Supercomputing Asia (SCA) 2019 conference, topics related to AI and high-performance computing (HPC) technologies required for Machine/Deep Learning …

» Blurring Lines Between Hadoop and Deep Learning

By Kumar Sambhav, Research Computing, NUS IT on 20 May, 2019
Artificial Intelligence is easier to adopt than ever. Developers and enthusiasts are using the technology to solve problems like never before. …