HPC Technical Updates


» R speedup with Intel MK

By Sundy Wiliam Yaputra on 25 Feb, 2016
The release of R-3.2.0 on April 2015 revealed some major improvement compared to previous version. Some of these changes are: Performance …

» 2015 HPC Review – The Influence of Big Data

By Tan Chee Chiang, Research Computing, Computer Centre on 24 Feb, 2016
In last year’s review, I talked about the emergence of new data-centric research and requirements. This round I will look at …

» Parallel programming in R with pbdR packages

By Sundy Wiliam Yaputra on 6 Oct, 2015
Introduction R is an open source programming language and software for statistical computing. One of the biggest advantage of R is …

» Large Data Transfer within NUS Campus

By Wang Junhong on 6 Oct, 2015
Introduction Data transfer over internet has become a norm nowadays such that many people move data everyday by using mobile apps …

» How To Be More Productive in HPC

By Tan Chee Chiang (Research Computing, Computer Centre) on 28 May, 2015
When you are running research simulation at our HPC system, using as many CPU cores as you can get for a …

» Achieving High Performance Through Benchmarking and Compilation Optimization

By Wang Junhong, Zhang Xinhuai (Research Computing, Computer Centre), Srikanth Gumma (Research Computing, Wipro Limited), Krishna Mohan Gupta (Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering) on 28 May, 2015
Introduction Over the years, many open-source software packages for scientific research have been developed and are widely accepted by research community. …

» Create Animation for Your Transient Simulation

By Wang Junhong, Research Computing, Computer Centre on 11 Feb, 2015
Introduction Do you need to create animations for best illustration of the transient results from the time-dependent simulations you are running? …

» 2014 Review – Data, Data and More Data

By Tan Chee Chiang, Research Computing, Computer Centre on 11 Feb, 2015
Over the past years, more focus has been placed on data centric development in research computing and HPC, both locally and …

» Data Intensive Research – Bigger, Faster, Cheaper

By Tan Chee Chiang, Computer Centre on 27 May, 2014
With more data being generated at a faster rate in areas such as biomedical, environmental, physical science and engineering, finance and …

» Acceleration of Molecular Dynamics Simulation Using Amber GPU Version

By Zhang Xinhuai, Computer Centre on 27 May, 2014
With the explosive growth of the number of GPU accelerated application in the last one to two years, General Purpose GPU …