FAQ: Maple

1. What is Maple?

Maple is a computer environment for doing mathematics. Symbolic, numerical, and graphical computations can all be done with Mapel. While simple problems can be solved with maple, its real power shows when given calculations that are extremly cumbersome or tediously repetitive to do by hand. Maple is a procedural language, combining an efficient programming language with a bevy of predefined mathematical commands.


The breadth of Maple’s functionality is considerable-topics covered range from calculus and linear algebra to differential equations, geometry, and logic. As well, Maple’s coverage of these topics is deep topics is deep-each subject area has a wealth of commands covering aspects both fundamental and far-reaching

2. How can I access it?

There are Linux versions as well as Windows version of Maple. For Windows version, you can get it by window shopping. As for Linux version, you can use it on any machines in SVU as long as you have an account.

For Linux version, you can use either its command line or graphical user interface(GUI). To use its command line one, type

Graphics Maple interface: xmaple

Text-based Maple interface: maple

Maple is supported on Clusters Atlas2, Atlas3, Atlas4 and MobileVisLab.

3. Where can I get the manuals?

Maple manuals are available in both SVU and computer centre library. Besides this, you can also use its online help. To view the on-line help for any Maple command, simply enter the command name prepended with a question mark character.