OOMMF is a project in the Mathematical and Computational Sciences Division (MCSD) of ITL/NIST, in close cooperation with MAG, aimed at developing portable, extensible public domain programs and tools for micromagnetics. The end product will be a fully functional micromagnetic code, with a well documented, flexible programmer’s interface to allow developers outside the OOMMF project to swap their own code in and out as desired.

OOMMF is an experimental system. The developer, NIST, assumes no responsibility whatsoever for its use by other parties, and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality, reliability, or any other characteristic.

OOMMF’s home page is at http://math.nist.gov/oommf/.

OOMMF is supported on Clusters Atlas3, Atlas4, Atlas5, Atlas6 and MobileVisLab. The current version is 1.2a3.

To open graphics interface of OOMMF, enter command “oommf” at the command line prompt.


To process large simulations that needs hours, days or even weeks, OOMMF simulation can be submitted to batch PBS queue and executed in batch mode. Depends on the solver you need to run, the job submission command is as below:

#PBS -q short 
#PBS -j oe 
#PBS -N job_stderr 
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=4GB 

oomf batchsolve case1.mif
> oomf boxsi casq1.mif

In the above commands, “cas1.mif” is the input file to OOMMF; job_stderr.o* is the file to store the job information and error messages if any.