
EnSight is a full-featured finite element post-processing system. Whether your application is in structural analysis, computational fluid dynamics, or combustion modeling, EnSight provides useful standard visualisation features such as hidden lines/surfaces, contours, clipping planes, isosurfaces, vector arrows, particle tracing, annotation and 2D plotting, flipbook and keyframe animation. In addition, EnSight provides advanced capabilities such as model copying and cutting, full transient data support, side-by-side comparisons of simulation data with experimental data, and an archiving capability.

Besides reading data in EnSight native format, translators are available for EnSight to read geometry and results data from some commercial engineering software – CFX, ABAQUS and MSC/NASTRAN.

Ensight’s home page is at http://www.ensight.com.

Ensight is supported on MobileVisLab.

The command to open Ensight interface is “ensight” from the command line.
