
AutoDock is is a suite of automated docking tools. It is designed to predict how small molecules, such as substrates or drug candidates, bind to a receptor of known 3D structure. It has applications in:

X-ray crystallography

structure-based drug design

lead optimization

virtual screening (HTS)

combinatorial library design

protein-protein docking

chemical mechanism studies

For new users, please refer to the userguide and examples in : /app1/common/autodock/autodocksuite-4.0.1/examples

To access autodock utilities, please add this line into your .bash_profile file in your home directory:

For csh/tcsh shell users, please add this line into your .cshrc file in your home directory:
set path=($path /app1/common/autodock/autodocksuite-4.0.1/share )

Using autogrid4 to generate grid maps: autogrid4 -p your_file.gpf -l your_file.glg

Using autodock4 to perform docking: autodock4 -p your_file.dpf -l yourfile.dlg

Submitting autodock job to atlas2 or atlas3 cluster via LSF: bsub -q linux64 “autodock4 -p your_file.dpf -l your_file.dlg”

Autodock Tools, Python Molecular Viewer, VISION (Visual Program Environment)

These tools are available on MobileVisLab, type adtpmv or vision at the command prompt to start them.

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