The Best of Future for Customer Services

“Thank you for taking time to browse this page. Regardless of you being a new user or returning one, we thank you sincerely for your continuous support and understanding.” – From everyone at IT Care

Digitalised. Empowered. Personalised.

Our Road to Digital Transformation

Present. Future.

Committed people: A team of domain experts working hard for you! Managing technology development, operation delivery and people training!

IT Care service counter: Cosy service experience at IT Care. Bring along your drinks and enjoy a conversation with our service engineers!

Technologies: Modernised AI-assisted services across physical and virtual space. Heard of metaverse? It’s coming soon… 

ALCA Chat and Voice. Our First AI Bot in the Campus!

NUS IT introduced ALCA, our pioneering AI cognitive chatbot, back in 2018. Setting it apart from traditional rule-based chatbots, ALCA harnesses the power of natural language processing and machine learning to enhance response accuracy. With conversational AI capabilities, ALCA learns from its interactions, mirroring human-like interactions and facilitating seamless conversations. As it continues to engage with users, ALCA’s intelligence grows, leading to a remarkable success story. Explore further to witness ALCA’s achievements.

In early 2022, ALCA reached his next stage of maturity where he interacts with our users via our IT Care hotline. ALCA stretches his capability on text & speech modelling to respond to users via voice. This improvement allows ALCA to filter a good percentage of simple enquiries while allowing our service agents to focus on more difficult cases.

Through the implementation of ALCA, NUS IT has progressively enabled NUS departments to build their own chatbots. If you are seeing other one out there, likely it is built on the same AI engine as ALCA!

Improvement achieved through ALCA implementation

nTouch. The ONLY IT Service Catalogue!

Digital Trainer. Trusted Instructor.

Service Desks often face challenges brought by a higher attrition rate. That means new staff requires training. While conventional training is performed by dedicated trainer or seniors, such effort can become a huge resource investment as it become repetitive and time consuming.

Digital Trainer is a smart learning platform designed and built by our NUS interns and staff. This solution empowers a hybrid training strategy. Service agents can attend training in basic service and product information via Digital Trainer at flexible timing so that trainer can now spend time on reinforced training, difficult topics and agent learning assessment.

Powered by AI chatbot, speech modelling and behavioural tracking, our service agents and trainers enjoy a better learning and teaching experience. Tabulated results below illustrate this improvement.