Services – End-User Device Support

Greetings, OE faculties/departments! On this page you will find services that are specially curated just for you.

Fix Device and Peripheral Issues


  • Reinstall operating system for corrupted systems
  • Troubleshoot and resolve issue with network printers


Fix Software Issues


  • Resolve issues when the MS Outlook crashes

Set up Devices and Peripherals


  • Format and reinstall computers with standard software
  • Configure smart devices such as iPhone and iPad to connect to NUS network and access to NUS emails

Wipe Data for Computers and Notebooks


  • Wipe data for office desktops and laptops prepared for condemnation


Update Device Security


  • Update Trend Micro Apex One to the latest virus pattern
  • Update critical Windows patches


Install and Upgrade Software


  • Install standard software suite such as Trend Micro Apex One, MS Office and MS Outlook
  • Upgrade computer labs with the latest faculty-specific software

Limited Support for Non-IT Duties


  • Recommend IT equipment and specification
  • Participate in IT procurement evaluation





  • If the issue cannot be resolved, it will be escalated to respective parties such as hardware vendor, etc. and be tracked until proper closure.
  • For faculty-specific software, the support is limited to installation only.
  • Devices include office desktops, laptops, smart devices such as tablets, smart phones, etc.
  • Peripherals include printers, multi-purpose copiers, hard phones, headsets issued by office, etc.
  • Supported operating systems include Windows, macOS, iOS and Android.
  • Standard software includes Microsoft Office, Microsoft Outlook, Zoom, nBox, internet browsers, and those available in Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub.