ITSS-EUD is now IT Care!

We’re thrilled to announce that ITSS-EUD has undergone a support reboot and rebranding. By rebranding ITSS-EUD to IT Care, we serve to provide you with a “Less for More” support.

What does this mean?

You can say goodbye to remembering the multiple support team contacts, phone numbers and email addresses. You only need to remember / 65162080. Less to remember and be confused with!

You can enjoy a seamless experience via a more efficient and closely knitted support model where an expanded team of knowledgeable service desk staff can ensure prompt assistance whenever you need it.

Our service offerings have also been enhanced to provide you with a more expansive end-to-end experience. More comprehensive services for you! 
Find out more about the services by clicking on For OE Faculities at the header above.

We are dedicated to serving you better than ever before. IT Care, caring for you and your IT support needs, always!

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I refer to IT Care in my faculty?

ITSS-EUD is rebranded to IT Care. As such ITSS-EUD located in different faculties will be named IT Care <Faculty> eg IT Care CDE, IT Care FOS etc.


Why do you need to rebrand?

ITSS-EUD and IT Care are providing similar End-User Device support services for users. This may confuse some users as to where to direct their requests to. Rebranding mitigates this confusion by offering EUD support services from a single brand, IT Care.


Who should I contact if I need help with EUD support?

You can contact or 65162080.


Can I still call the ITSS-EUD engineers who helped me previously?

Yes, you can still call them for help. As they may not be at their desks, you will be better served if you were to call IT Care @ 65162080 directly.


ITSS-EUD is within the faculty ground while IT Care is not. Will I get the same response speed as before?

We augmented our ITSS-EUD engineer pool with IT Care engineers, some of whom are on-site. With this arrangement, we will be able help resolve your problem faster. Additionally, you can call IT Care who will attempt to resolve your problem remotely within 15 minutes before redirecting to your on-site engineer for help.


Can I still contact the ITBP and ITSP for help?

Yes, there is no change and you can still contact them for help. To increase your chance of contacting us, we have also appointed a Team Lead as a backup for the ITBP.


Is ITSS dissolved?

No, ITSS is still in operation. It will continue to provide Classroom and AV support services.



How will this rebranding affect me as a user?

The rebranding will offer you a simpler way to contact us and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of having your problem resolved.


Can I still call/walk into the ITSS office for assistance?

Yes, you can. As the engineers may not be at their desks, you will be better served if you were to call IT Care @ 65162080 directly.



My problem was resolved half way as I need to go on leave. Who should I call?

No worries, the engineer who served you will follow up with you for the full resolution.