Ku We, Research Computing, NUS Information Technology, on 17 April 2023
Ku We, Research Computing, NUS Information Technology, on 17 April 2023
Xie Weihang, Canepa Research Group, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Design and Engineering, on 29 April 2022
Pranab Kumar Das, Senior Research Fellow, Singapore Synchrotron Light Source, on 9 May 2022
Linda Lim, Executive, Engagement and Publicity, SingAREN, on 13 February 2022 Improving routing efficiency while reducing latency, Singapore Advanced Research and Education Network (SingAREN) facilitates high-speed transfers of large datasets, both within Singapore and across international boundaries, for scientific research and enables advanced network technology demonstrations through its international links and high-speed fiber network. Nationally, SingAREN has developed a resilient fiber infrastructure inter-linking NUS, NTU, A*STAR and NSCC. Besides advanced internet connectivity, SingAREN offers value-added services such as complimentary consultation on network streamlining to massively speed up data set transfers. Through eduroam wifi with NUS credentials, NUS staff and students can access internet from other research and education institutions anywhere in the world.