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HPC Community of Practice

Who Are We

The HPC Community of Practice is an informal group of subject matter experts in the areas related to high-performance computing initiated within the University, who share a concern or a passion for their work in HPC, and who seek to maintain the HPC body of knowledge within the group members and to help new members to learn and grow in this area.

  • To provide mutual help and support in HPC related matters on an ad-hoc basis – to be a channel for HPC related queries from the HPC Community
  • To be a platform for knowledge sharing and mutual learning and growth in the HPC field
  • To be a repository for HPC knowledge gathered through the years of experience by each member of the informal group
  • To help members to be more effective in their formal work scope
  • To advance HPC knowledge within the University
  • To influence University decision-makers on HPC related matters

We plan to make this HPC Community of Practice a vibrant community. Your participation will help towards this goal. Whether you are new to HPC, or you have been an HPC practitioner for many years, your membership will help others in the community to learn more about the exciting field of high-performance computing, and to influence the direction of HPC in NUS.  Through talks, seminars and sharing sessions, members will learn about what others are doing, and how these technologies can also be applied to your scope of work.  Informal, ad-hoc working / discussion groups will also help you to solve your challenges at work.

We invite everyone to join as a member of this community, regardless of their levels of expertise. We are here to learn and grow together. To join, go to our NUS HPC Community Teams site and request to join the group.