BEC Scam Email with Subject “Quick assistance needed please” or “Request”

We have observed a new wave of scam emails (known as Business Email Compromise or BEC) in NUS, some of which unfortunately involved individuals falling prey and leading to personal financial loss. Unlike phishing emails, these scams do not require you to click on any link or provide any credentials. Instead, they usually start with an innocuous message like “Are you available” and continue as a plea for help should one reply. Eventually, the scammer will attempt to convince and trick the victim into purchasing iTunes gift cards on their behalf. To add credibility, the emails are seemingly sent from someone of authority like the Head of Department using a spoofed email address.

NUS Bug Bounty Hall of Fame 2019

NUS Bug Bounty Hall of Fame 2019 The NUS Bug Bounty Programme is an initiative that empowers our students to discover and report security vulnerabilities on our applications and systems. Through this, we aim to bridge the cyber security skill gap and improve the overall IT security posture in NUS.

Change Bitlocker Password

In late 2016, we have observed many hacking activities with the intent to exploit vulnerabilities of outdated Content Management System (CMS) and the plugins. CMS is a software used to manage the content of a website. Commonly used CMS includes WordPress, Joomla,…

Change Trek ThumbDrive Password

In late 2016, we have observed many hacking activities with the intent to exploit vulnerabilities of outdated Content Management System (CMS) and the plugins. CMS is a software used to manage the content of a website. Commonly used CMS includes WordPress, Joomla,…