


The roles in the BOSS4u system are:

Department Administrator (Dept Admin) – Staff assigned to perform administrative tasks regarding the telephone and telecommunications matters for the department.

Responsibility :

  • Raise requests and changes for Hardphones, network points and DID lines. 
  • Liaise with NUS IT Care, NUS IT support team and SingTel as well as keeping records of departmental phone inventory
  • Determine the WBS for charging services raised in BOSS
  • Review monthly billing 
  • Liaise with BOSS admin and Finance on BOS billing matters

Approver – Staff assigned to approve or reject requests made in BOSS by Dept Admin.

Staff can hold either the role of Dept Admin or Approver but not both.

No, you won’t be able to cancel requests that have been submitted for approval.

No, you won’t be able to cancel requests that have been submitted for approval.

You can submit such requests via the BOSS Other Request function. The Product Code can be OTH-MISC and you should enter all the details in the Service Particulars field.

The view only displays Service Codes relevant to the Service number (and its Product Code) that have been entered.

Campus Directory / Outlook Address Book​

The staff phone numbers shown in the Campus Directory is updated from the BOSS system.

In the BOSS system, Department Admin can choose whether the DID phone number of the staff should be sent to Campus Directory for display.

On daily basis, the Campus Directory system update the phone number based on the list from BOSS system. Changes will be reflected in the Campus Directory the following day.

BOSS can only send one DD number of each staff to Campus Directory for display.

In BOSS system, staff with multiple DID numbers can determine which number is the preferred number to be sent by checking the “Set Preferred Campus Dir Ext” against the preferred DID number.


The department telephone bills will be charged into the WBS associated with the BOSS accounts used for the service request. 

For external departments without a WBS, NUS IT will send a hardcopy invoice and payment will be made via the normal channels.

The following are the different components in the invoice:

  1. Service – Subscription (Recurring)- This service charges will be billed in advance
  2. Usage (Local / IDD) – System will be printing the usage based on previous calendar month.
  3. One Time – All onetime services such as Installation / Termination & Ad-hoc related charges will be billed in the current month. Billing for Installation / Termination & Ad-hoc jobs are also based on previous calendar month.

The bills will be generated on the 11th day of the month.

Upon generation, an email will be sent to the department Phone Admin. The Phone Admin can log in to the system to view, print or save the bills which are generated in PDF format.

Departments are given 5 calendar days to review their bills and raise any dispute.

On the 16th day of the month, the bills will be frozen and sent to Finance for processing.


The Department Admins should verify the bill as soon as they are emailed on readiness of the bills for review.

The Department Admin has 5 calendar days to review the bill and raise any dispute. After the review period ends, the bill will be sent to Finance for deduction.

For any dispute, the department  Phone Administrator has to notify BOSS Operator ( email with details of the discrepancy. 

Yes, you can retrieve bills for up to 12 previous months.

The Administrative Charge of 8% of the total amount will be levied on the bill. This is to cover the costs of GST and other administrative overheads that NUS IT incur when purchasing equipment and services from external vendors and service providers.

It is calculated as 8% of the total amount (i.e. subscription + local usage + IDD usage + one-time charges).

This uses the same GL codes for accounting purposes and paid with the same set of WBS codes similar to the subscribed services.

Dept Phone Admin can request for multiple BOSS Account Number, each with different WBS.

The various BOSS Services can then be subscribed under different BOSS Account Number and hence charged to different WBS.