

The headset catalogue is available for staff purchase under the new Term Contract. There are 6 models available in the new catalogue. These models will provide a good mix for NUS staff to choose from. 

Desk Phone

Purchase of desk phone (hard phone) may be purchased only for use in common area. 

Headset & Desk Phone

Procurement Process


  • Raise Catalogue Purchase Order in SESAMi
  • Receive email with approved PO attached


  • Receive email updates from vendor who will arrange for delivery (delivery lead time: 20 business days from receipt of PO)
  • Receive goods and sign Delivery Order (DO)


  • Get Department Goods Receipt Officer (GRO) to perform GR in SESAMi
  • Receive invoice and signed DO from vendor (invoice date is every middle of the month)


All headsets have a 2-year hardware warranty that exclude phone, headset accessories and defects due to wear and tear (terms and conditions apply). 

Submit BOSS request to report faulty headset/hardphone. Only faulty units that are under warranty will be replaced.


For enquiries related to new orders, contact vendor’s Sales Operations at

They will get back to you within 3 business days.