Digitally Empowering Education

Curriculum Management System


The Curriculum Management System (CMS) is an online integrated platform that provides a centralised, collaborative environment where staff can create, review, approve, amend, assess, publish and view student curriculum modules and programme proposals. This new CMS system digitised the paper and email-based manual processes, and enabled the tracking of end-to-end processes from curriculum creation to information storage. In centralising key curriculum information, CMS is a vital source of current and historical data with versioning capability. 

The system is integrated with other NUS systems that require curriculum information such as Education Records System (EduRec), Canvas ( NUS’ Learning Management System) and Online Application Portal (OAP). It serves as a reliable, auditable and single source of truth of all NUS curriculum information. The CMS has brought curriculum planning and creation to a whole new level with greater automation, transparency, higher capabilities and efficiency. It also fosters higher levels of teamwork and collaboration amongst staff.


Today, it houses approximately 

NUS Modules
Programs' Data

It is actively being used by 

Faculties & Schools

Digitising the CMS has led to an estimated potential savings of 

$ 0

 which approximately translates into


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