Is IT Real?



Creative AI is a teaching and learning app that is powered by machine learning to train nursing students to communicate professionally in multiple clinical settings, and to facilitate interprofessional communication in a 3D virtual environment. Non-Playable Characters (NPCs) are now materialised and enabled by 3D AI, hence avoiding the usual limitations, inadequacy and unavailability issues of working with human resources. Students are now able to learn in the comfort of their own homes instead of physical presence in hospital or campus. 

An effective tool

It is  highly challenging and  sometimes impossible to schedule or allocate medical school students to be part of the nursing interprofessional education (IPE) curriculum as their schedules are highly erratic and often inadequate in response numbers to match nursing students. With CREATIVE AI, the deployment has enabled the simulation of an AI medical communication avatar to participate in the simulation, without the presence of the medical students.

Nursing students can also now complete this simulation training reiteratively at their own time and pace, in the comfort of their own homes via the internet. There are plans in future to expand contents to include other AI healthcare professional avatars into the IPE, for example,  Pharmacists, Allied Health Therapists, Medical Social Workers, and etc. Over 500 students from Alice Lee Centre For Nursing Studies (ALCNS) have used and benefited from CREATIVE AI in 2022.

There had been many requests from students for more content scenarios after each run. Feedback from students were very positive.

When it is online, (it is) better than the real-life simulation in the sense that there's less pressure compared with having to perform simulations with a medical student (which is the traditional mode subjected to their availability). In terms of the interface and everything else, it is quite user-friendly.

Good refresher. The CREATIVE AI provides guidance through stepwise approach and boosts our confidence before the face-to-face simulation with the real medical students.

This project has earned the NUS Annual Digital Education Award 2022 (Group Category) for NUS IT, in our collaboration with ALCNS (A/P Liaw Sok Ying). The current research is in the final stages of journal review for JMIR (tier 1, HIGH impact factor) scheduled for publishing in 1st quarter 2023

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